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What to Expect @ a Gathering:

Our vision at ZOË is to create a collaborative, contributive and dialogical space. Our hope is that each person would prepare to attend by reading the resources posted on our website each week. This will allow you some time to generate thoughts, ideas, questions that can be shared when we gather. We are excited about the opportunity for everyone to contribute his or her unique perspective and experience.


Our gatherings will include a mix of many different elements each week, including a short time of teaching, music, creative arts, time for discussion, questions and contributions, Scripture reading, and prayer. From time to time we will also weave in time for silence and meditation, confession, journaling, communion/Eucharist, and various readings that will deepen our understanding of God.


Everyone is welcome to make contributions to the conversation.  To respectfully facilitate this unique environment we must be mindful of both the needs of the community and the needs of the individual.  We ask individuals to practice brevity and give consideration to the tone and content of the contribution.  We ask the community to extend grace and patience to the individual as he or she shares authentically from the heart.  It will be the task of the facilitator, with the assistance of the Spirit, to foster and protect this sacred space with love and guidance.

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